Page Navigation:



Flexbox container
Inline flexbox container



Flex direction row
Flex direction row
Flex direction row


Flex direction row-reverse
Flex direction row-reverse
Flex direction row-reverse


Flex direction column
Flex direction column
Flex direction column


Flex direction column-reverse
Flex direction column-reverse
Flex direction column-reverse

Justify content


Justify content start
Justify content start
Justify content start


Justify content center
Justify content center
Justify content center


Justify content end
Justify content end
Justify content end


Justify content between
Justify content between
Justify content between


Justify content around
Justify content around
Justify content around

Align items


Align items start
Align items start
Align items start


Align items center
Align items center
Align items center


Align items end
Align items end
Align items end


Align items baseline
Align items baseline
Align items baseline


Align items stretch
Align items stretch
Align items stretch

Align self


Align self start
Flex item
Flex item


Align self center
Flex item
Flex item


Align self end
Flex item
Flex item


Align self baseline
Flex item
Flex item


Align self stretch
Flex item
Flex item

Auto margins


Flex item
Flex item
Margin left auto
Margin right auto
Flex item
Flex item


Margin bottom auto
Flex item
Flex item
Flex item
Flex item
Margin top auto


Flex fill
Flex fill
Flex fill


Flex grow
Flex grow
Flex grow


Flex shrink
Flex shrink
Flex shrink



Flex-wrap nowrap
Flex-wrap nowrap
Flex-wrap nowrap
Flex-wrap nowrap
Flex-wrap nowrap
Flex-wrap nowrap
Flex-wrap nowrap
Flex-wrap nowrap
Flex-wrap nowrap
Flex-wrap nowrap


Flex-wrap wrap
Flex-wrap wrap
Flex-wrap wrap
Flex-wrap wrap
Flex-wrap wrap
Flex-wrap wrap
Flex-wrap wrap
Flex-wrap wrap
Flex-wrap wrap
Flex-wrap wrap


Flex-wrap reverse
Flex-wrap reverse
Flex-wrap reverse
Flex-wrap reverse
Flex-wrap reverse
Flex-wrap reverse
Flex-wrap reverse
Flex-wrap reverse
Flex-wrap reverse
Flex-wrap reverse


order-first (-1), order-0 to order-5 and order-last (6)

First, but last
Second, but number 5
Third, but number 4
Fourth, but number 3
Fifth, but first
Last, but unordered, so number 2

Align content


Align content start
Align content start
Align content start
Align content start
Align content start
Align content start
Align content start
Align content start
Align content start
Align content start


Align content center
Align content center
Align content center
Align content center
Align content center
Align content center
Align content center
Align content center
Align content center
Align content center


Align content end
Align content end
Align content end
Align content end
Align content end
Align content end
Align content end
Align content end
Align content end
Align content end


Align content between
Align content between
Align content between
Align content between
Align content between
Align content between
Align content between
Align content between
Align content between
Align content between


Align content around
Align content around
Align content around
Align content around
Align content around
Align content around
Align content around
Align content around
Align content around
Align content around


Align content stretch
Align content stretch
Align content stretch
Align content stretch
Align content stretch
Align content stretch
Align content stretch
Align content stretch
Align content stretch
Align content stretch

Responsive examples

Responsive utility classes exist for all the flexbox utilities: display, flex-direction, justify-content, align-items, align-self, flex-wrap, order and align-content. The examples are hidden on the screen, but can be viewed in the source code or by clicking "Toggle code" below.

Display flex for small devices and up
Display inline-flex for medium devices and up
Display flex for all devices and set flex direction to row for large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and set flex direction to row-reverse for extra large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and set flex direction to column for extra extra large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and set flex direction to column-reverse for small devices and up
Display flex for all devices and justify content to the start for medium devices and up
Display flex for all devices and justify content to the center for large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and justify content to the end for extra large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and justify content between for extra extra large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and justify content around for small devices and up
Display flex for all devices and align items to the start for medium devices and up
Display flex for all devices and align items to the center for large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and align items to the end for extra large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and align items to the baseline for extra extra large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and align items to stretch for small devices and up
Align self to the start for medium devices and up
Align self to the center for large devices and up
Align self to the end for extra large devices and up
Align self to the baseline for extra extra large devices and up
Align self to stretch for small devices and up
Fill item for medium devices and up
Grow item for large devices and up
Shrink item for extra large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and make items not wrap for extra extra large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and make items wrap for small devices and up
Display flex for all devices and make items wrap in reverse for medium devices and up
Set the order to 3 for large devices and up
Set the order to 2 for extra large devices and up
Set the order to 1 for extra extra large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and align content to the start for small devices and up
Display flex for all devices and align content to the center for medium devices and up
Display flex for all devices and align content to the end for large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and align content around for extra large devices and up
Display flex for all devices and align content to stretch for extra extra large devices and up